Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Study Series by Maria Snyder

The Study Series Bundle (Study, #1-3)The Study Series Bundle

From condemned prisoner to food taster for the Commander of Ixia, from apprentice to a charismatic assassin to warrior with ever-evolving magical powers, Yelena is a remarkable heroine like none you've ever experienced. Follow her amazing journey through Maria V. Snyder's breathtaking fantasy series. Bundle includes Poison Study, Magic Study and Fire Study, and also includes as a special bonus, Assassin Study!

(summary from

I love Maria Snyder's work - especially this series. The first book (Poison Study) is my favorite, but the others are also enjoyable. Maria Snyder is very good at dealing with terrible things in a way that is bearable to read - she doesn't skirt difficult happenings or concepts. Warning: her bad guys are usually pretty icky (yes, that's a technical term) so these books are not for the lily livered soul. Yelena is the perfect heroine for a fantasy series - strong and passionate and adventurous and able to overcome unbearable things. I love her and I love Valek (the 2nd and 3rd in the series are severely lacking in Valek - possibly why I don't love them as much, hmm?) I loved Yelena coming into her power and discovering who she is and what is important to her. I've read them all twice and still couldn't put them down.

Mom note: As a mother of readers, I also want to make a note to myself (and others if they care) why I would or would not have my children read this book, because honestly, sometimes I forget. This is a YA book, so everything is within YA strictures. Violence: yes - fights and sword fights and brutality from evil people. Profanity: none that I can recall. Sex: yes, as well as mention of rape.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, I love these! I agree, the first one was the best... but all are worth the time! :)
