Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Knife of Never Letting Go

The Knife of Never Letting Go (Chaos Walking, #1)The Knife of Never Letting Go

Prentisstown isn't like other towns. Everyone can hear everyone else's thoughts in an overwhelming, never-ending stream of Noise. Just a month away from the birthday that will make him a man, Todd and his dog, Manchee -- whose thoughts Todd can hear too, whether he wants to or not -- stumble upon an area of complete silence. They find that in a town where privacy is impossible, something terrible has been hidden -- a secret so awful that Todd and Manchee must run for their lives.

But how do you escape when your pursuers can hear your every thought?

(summary from

I could never really get into this book. It shows up a lot on my "if you've loved (previous book I read and yes, did love) than you'll love this one!" lists. So I tried it. And put it down. And read several other ones. And picked it up again. And put it down. And read a few more. And finally picked it up again determined to get through it. Which isn't really a sign that you love a book, hmm?

I thought the plot was extremely creative but didn't ever connect with the characters. This book has made me realize that I don't usually like books that are narrated by males, and I don't think it's because males are foreign to me - rather, I think I know them too well. I have three brothers (no sisters) and four sons. I know boys. (I still distinctly remember witnessing all of the drama and girliness of my freshman dorm and wondering "Who ARE these people?") And I think that's one of the problems - either the male narration is too off base or hits way too close to home. (I'm the same way with on-screen labors - they are either ridiculously "hollywood" or so close to home that I experience a bit of PTSD. But I digress.) I ended up skimming the second half of the book so I could finish it quickly - which means it was interesting enough to make me want to know what happened, but annoying enough to want to get it done quickly. I'm not sure if I will read the next two installments - I haven't decided yet. I'll probably do the unthinkable and wikipedia them instead ...

(Okay, I have to admit that hearing the dog's thoughts was generally amusing. And the sheep's thoughts gave me a chuckle. And of COURSE you couldn't hear women's thoughts, we are way too smart to spill our secrets to the world.)

Mom note: As a mother of readers, I also want to make a note to myself (and others if they care) why I would or would not have my children read this book, because honestly, sometimes I forget. Violence: yes! Profanity: yes! Sex: no.

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